Incomplete Completeness

Sometimes we are asked how we are, we know we are not fine But I guess it's fine that our default answer is 'fine' I have a theory about the people we assume to be fine. Sometimes they are the ones who are the least fine. There's something about a certain completeness that makes one feel incomplete. Think about it this way, someone who has a big family is seen as complete, but actually, the more people you have in your life, the more room there is for incompleteness If you have one family member, there is only one chance for an incomplete relationship to be formed Only one chance for separation Only one chance for disappointment Only one chance to be broken. But with more members in your family, say 10, You increase the chances by 10. And let's face it, it is highly likely that you will be disappointed by more than 1 of the 10 So in simple words, the more you have, the higher the chances of losing... or winning I've lived in...