Sons of the Sun

Let's cool down the belief that the world revolving around me is a crime.
Infact, allow me to extinguish it.....

There's something warm about winters where I come from.
The sun never forgets to shine.
Even when we say some days are cloudy and others are sunny. In reality, it is always sunny.

That got me thinking. Isn't she the epitome of staying true to oneself?
I've never heard anyone speak of cooling her down.
In fact, when the clouds shut her out, it's nature that suffers.
So here's my thinking, the sun will never adjust herself to suit us.
We need to adjust ourselves to get what we need from her. 
When I tell you that the sun is my inspiration, it may sound strange.
But what I mean is, I strive to be myself so much that the whole system adjusts itself to make way for my dreams, my goals, my aspirations.

There's something about the sun.
She even owns time.
We plan our days based on where she is standing.
And never, not even once have we tried to turn her off.
We know she has no switch, that's just who she is.

To say 'I THINK' the world revolves around me is an offence. But to say the world revolves around me is none. Because it is an inheritance from my source of being.

The sun, she takes nothing from us, infact she gives.
But, to get what she has to offer we must align ourselves and dance to her unchanging beat.

I want to generously give of myself as she does. Because whether we take it or leave it, she'll keep shining.

How perfect the world would be if everyone stood in their respective positions, found their purpose and stuck to it. The reason we are in this mess is because we have suns trying to be moons and moons not trying to be anything at all.


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