Destroying through Creation

Watching the sunset today made me realise; endings are beginnings and becoming is unbecoming. The end of the day is the beginning of the night. And as the sky becomes dark, it unbecomes light.

I cannot separate day and night as if it happened in an instant. Because by doing so, I miss the beautiful process of the flaming colours in the sky. And so I realised that the reason why we count every second is because every second counts.
Between 12 noon and 1pm, there are 60 minutes, within 60 minutes are 3 600 seconds and within 3 600 seconds are 3 600 000 000 microseconds. The same applies to life. Between all events are little events inside smaller events. And each of them come together to form the bigger picture.
I know you understand processes. Maybe you've looked at them as little events leading to bigger ones. Maybe not. But whatever the case, as I begin my blogging journey, I want you to appreciate the process. Something is ending right now. An ending of over 2 decades has led to me becoming a blogger and unbecoming just another social media user.

I look forward to destroying through creation. ~NalaπŸ‘‘


  1. Great reflections which are ocean deep. One word, two words actually. Mind blowing. πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Well written, I look forward to reading more of these

  3. Becoming is unbecoming lol I like that

  4. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Welldone! πŸ‘‘Nala

  5. This is beautiful ���� simplicity with a powerful message... Looking forward to more #Jacob?Mzyece

    1. Thanks Jacob. You can subscribe to get a notification when I post.
      Happy reading!


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