Growing Up by Breaking Down

Growing up is something we glorify, It agrees with our human resistance to remaining stagnant. We want to move on to the next step. We want to be more, to have more. Our hair, our limbs, our cells are doing it too. Growing, expanding, multiplying. Whatever the case, more is obtained. But lately, I've been feeling some kind of way. I've been asking myself this question: is growing up actually simultaneous to breaking down? When I was younger (about 2 months ago), I liked to say, 'When I grow up, I want to....' and I kept asking myself what I meant and suddenly this was a phrase I questioned. What was growing up? Was it my age? My experiences? My physique? I'm starting to think it's a little more than that. I'm starting to think that maybe it's a breaking. A breaking of the mind, the heart. Sometimes the breaking of yourself. Maybe we don't grow up, we just break down. The 'child' who believed that the world was good, tha...