Bleeding is Healing

Wounds are a sign of a pain you are feeling.
But living with scars is a sign of victory.
It means you survived the pain
It means you bled to health

The moment I start to bleed
I know it’s a process of healing
I’m no biologist but I know that blood is a sign of life, of a beating heart, and a healing process

When my body stops bleeding it would mean it has given up on me.
I don’t want to focus on the process of life’s stabbing moments but the instant rush of blood to the spot

See, I’m not afraid of pain or of blood because I know that deep wounds that do not bleed cannot heal
I look forward to bleeding, because bleeding leaves scars
And scars are beautiful.

A person before getting hurt is a person before getting hurt
But a person after getting hurt is a person who has been hurt, has bled, has heeled and now has a scar
Life is made of little marks left in and on you
These marks are often scars
Like tattoos you didn’t choose
They are tattoos that chose you.
And growth is taking those scars and learning from them
Firstly by acknowledging that hurting is a life process
Secondly, appreciating that bleeding is the beginning of the process of healing
And thirdly, learning that scars are a part of your beautifully chaotic story
That every little thing that happens in your life can never be entirely bad, and it’s up to you to focus the light on the good.

I have scars from growing up
They represent falling off trees and bicycles, but mostly they represent a childhood spent playing with friends outside.

I’ve been heartbroken before.
It means I’ve been betrayed but also that I’ve been loved enough to love back

When you bleed, you don’t have to pretend that it doesn’t hurt.
Because it does.
But appreciate that bleeding is the beginning of healing and eventually the wound will turn into a scar.
And a scar becomes a testimony of survival.

Before any hurt, there is a story. And after the healing, there is an even greater one.
A story of battles conquered

I don’t know about you
But I am a product of a good times and bad times.
And I know that without pain I wouldn’t know strength

And knowing my strength has made me brave.



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