Don't Love Me Forever (Panta Rhei)

Don't promise me eternal love, because nothing lasts forever.
Don't say you want to be my nothing, because I want you to be my everything.
Just love me now as I am in this moment. Because this is the first and last moment I'll ever be me as I am right now.
There is no guarantee that tomorrow I'll still be the same.
There's nothing to promise.
No obligation.
Love me right now if you will
And I'll be fine
Don't worry about tomorrow's love.
Today is enough.

But everyone wants to be loved forever, don't they?
Listen when I say it's an impossibility not worth trying.
Do I want you to love me tomorrow?
Well, of course!
But I don't want you to love me forever.
Because today you'd love the me you met yesterday.
So today you won't love me at all.
Tomorrow you'll love the me you knew yesterday.
So tomorrow you won't love me at all.

I know I won't be the same tomorrow
So if you love me forever today
I'm afraid I'll be a disappointment.
I want you to stay
I want you to say
You love me
But not the same

You love me as I am today
So love me as I will be tomorrow.
I don't want to be loved tomorrow as I was yesterday
Because that won't be me you'll be loving.
Love who I am not who I was or who I'm yet to be.

Love me now
Forget yesterday
Don't plan for tomorrow


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