Finding what you never Lost

‘I’m finding myself’
But what do you mean?
When did you get lost?

We’ve been screaming since the beginning of time that life is about ‘finding yourself’
Yet no one really explains how.
Do we come into this world lost?
And if we do search, when will we know when we’ve finally found what we are looking for?

See, I believe we come into this world, not empty, but with magnets in our souls.
Life therefore is about creating ourselves.
Through the choices we make we either approach situations from an angle that attracts or repels

I don’t want to find myself
I want to intentionally create myself

To see that dreams are most beautiful when we actually wake up and live them.

I don’t want to wake up wondering what I want
I want get up, mind made up.
I might not have it all figured out
But I know where I want to go
So I’ll pick up sticks and stones and start to build my wall.
The magnet inside of me is powerful
Much more powerful than anything I’ve ever seen

Nothing is too big or too far
If I can paint a picture in my mind
Then I can bring it to life

I don’t want to be part of the confusion
The long wait for a sign
Because the only sign I need, to know that the time to create myself is now,
Is a beating heart

This confusion, searching, finding mind set needs to be replaced by a
Vision, working, attracting skillset.

Unlike Elizabeth Brewster I don’t believe that ‘people are made of places’
People are simply made of choices
You can’t choose where you come from
But where you are going is entirely up to you

So stop searching and waiting for that light or that moment to hit you.

Stop waiting
Start doing
Stop searching
Start creating
……But then again

Maybe a search is also a creation?


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